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如何充分利用 AirVisual Pro 的電池?
如何充分利用 AirVisual Pro 的電池?
Chloe avatar
11 個月前已更新

雖然 AirVisual Pro 通常是固定設備。 AirVisual Pro 的電池可用於行動測量和實驗。 根據使用情況和設置,Pro 的電池通常可持續使用 3-8 小時。

如果您想盡可能延長 Pro 的電池壽命,我們建議調整以下設定:

  1. Reduce screen brightness: You can either turn the screen off by giving the far left button a quick press, or, adjust the screen brightness in settings by clicking the center "settings" button > "Display" > "Screen" > and reduce the brightness level

  2. Enter power saving mode: Create your own custom power saving mode by entering the settings menu and clicking > "Performance" > "Power Saving" > and adjust the settings as you wish.

  3. Change the sensor mode: Change sensor mode to "Default" by clicking the center "settings" button > "Performance" > "Sensor Mode" > "Default."
